We started poetry today and everyone cheered!! If you were absent, please return your Lord of the Flies novel to the library (remove all the post-it notes) and sign out two poetry books-Naming the Baby and in the Clear. Read the poem on page 20 of Naming the Baby.
We are using the acronym TICK to help us focus on how to read poems.
T-Title (brainstorm all the ways you think the title contributes to the poem)
I-Introduction (Re-read the first stanza or two and brainstorm what the tone is, anything significant. We discovered juxtaposition (define) and state its significance
C-Conclusion -re-read the last stanza or two and make connections to early stanzas. Why does the poem end there? What image or images stand out? What is the tone? Has the tone changed?
K-Key points--chose three key points from the poem--a stanza, a symbol, an image, tone, a technique, a question in the poem, a line break and explain why all three are significant.
Bring all the notes to class and we'll devise a thematic statement about the poem.
I collected the quote log and the essay today. If you were absent, you must bring a note and if the absence is reasonable, your work will be accepted.
We also wrote a poem in class today. Write a poem using all of the following items:
a month, a body of water, I, a season, a carname and year, a brand name, you, an animal, a type of tree, a description of light, a name of a place, love, a character from a film book, or history, and a texture (sticky, icy, rough etc) The poem may be any style.
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