Whenever you are absent, be sure to read at least 15 pages of your USSR book and write on 750words.com for 15 minutes. We generally do vocabulary Mon-Thurs. two words per day so look on the vocabulary sheet and follow along. When you return to school, borrow your homework buddy's notes.
We did words 7 and 8 today: amiable and burlesque. All of these words are found in the story, "The Father," by Hugh Garner.
Homework check: The what/so what chart.
Practice quiz: Using your blue how-to-cite sheet (available on the English website www.claremont-school.ca/english) cite the following quotations correctly. Use your practice quiz page for all quizzes.
1. "No," he said to himself. "No, it's your fault." page 53
2. . . . he wondered if he would ever be able to draw close to his son again. page 53
Vocabulary Test Monday. Know all 8 words, synonyms, parts of speech and how to use the word correctly in a sentence.
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