If you were absent today, call your homework buddy and ask about the essay planning we did today.
English 9 Exam 9 until 12 on Monday, June 20th in the big gym. See the gym door to find out which rows you are in.
You will need two pens, post-its, water, a sweater. Wear socks to keep your feet warm.
Study. Study. Study. I cannot say it enough. You will not do well unless you are prepared.
The essay on the final is a four paragraph essay so make the following adjustments:
Sentence 1-hook
Sentence 2 -thesis (choose one that you feel you can prove from a list of 5 provided for you on the exam)
Sentence 3 ist body summary plus author and title Ex. In the novel, The Pigman, the defiant teens do not have good role models and as a result, John and Lorraine must learn to rely on themselves, with the help of Mr. Pignati's unconditional love.
Sentence 4 -- 2nd body para. summary plus author and title
Sentence 5 (optional--you do not need a third body para.)
Sentence 6 -- Repeat the thesis in an emotional manner
Body 1 Use the same topic sentece as sentence 3 above. Use synonyms so it sounds differently. (Marks awarded for your use of vocabulary, sentence structure, creative use of punctuation, transitions, etc)
You need 3 strong points from the story here and explain how they prove your thesis. Use transitions between points and conclude the paragraph. Write a transition sentence to introduce body 2.
Body 2--same as above but use sentence 4 from the intro.
Conclusion--4 sentences long
1-repeat thesis
2-repeat the main point of body 1
3-repeat the main point of body 2
4-conclude (repeat the thesis in an emotional manner)
The essay on the exam is worth 10% of English 9. It is your chance to shine! Show me what you have learned. Be sure to follow all of the literary must haves, cite properly and integrate your quotes well.
Section A: Read the story provided and answer the question in a literary paragraph. Follow the literary must-haves list that you have memorized and cite properly.
Section B: Read the poem provided and answer the question in a literary paragraph.
You will be provided with charts so you can plan what you want to say.
Failing to plan means planning to FAIL, right?
Thanks for the wonderful year.
Be good in grade 10. Make me proud.
I'll see you in grade 11.
Ms. Stenson
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