Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Writing 12

Tonight at Open Space Gallery, (on Fort St. near Wharf), the great Patrick Lane is launching his new book!! Come on down if you can. 7:30.
Free. Free food, too.
If you HAVE not yet been to a literary event, use today's poetry slam for your event and write up a response (follow the Larissa Horlor sample response). I need these by the end of the week.
No response for a literary event outside of classtime by Friday means your Dec. report card will not look good so please get it done.

The best response to today's slam event will be published in the SMUS Review.
Go team Go!

Anyone interested in being on SMUS slam team? The big slam event is in April but it's never too soon to get started. We will start meeting on Fridays in room 233 soon.

Your two poems were due today. If you forgot (you will need to be publically flogged since you know that two poems are due every day 1. I will be shopping for a new whip this evening on my way to the poetry reading. Any suggestions for whip style appreciated.