I forgot to give you the novel, Portrait of the Artist, our next novel study. I will charge the novel to your account and give it to you during the exam tomorrow.
I suggest you do a first read of it over the break so that you know the characters, settings, conflicts, key themes, and post-it note the passages that you think would be important for us to discuss.
Ms. Fraser is a Joyce scholar so I'm hoping she will be a guest lecturer for us. What luck!
It is also a coming of age novel so you will see a lot of similarities to Hamlet. If you have not yet read, J.D. Salinger's novel, Catcher in the Rye, I suggest you read that one as well. You want to have as many novels and plays under your belts, so to speak, as possible, in order to be really well prepared for the final essay question.
You'll notice in Joyce's novel that he uses stream of consciousness style so we will need to pay particularly close attention to style as well as theme this time.
Death of a Salesman: Thank you for your rapt attention during this quick unit. The wonderful thing about reading and studying plays is that you can get a lot of mileage out of them. This play will be very useful on the AP exam. We'll finish up the presentations in Jan. spend one period on discussing the set and the use of past and present, decide on the tragic character question, and then you'll write a test. I've put it in SDS for Jan. 11.
Next term, we need to study poetry and practice the mutltiple choice sections and continue to write fabulous essays. It will be amazing. If there is a particular poem that you would love to study, please let me know.