Tuesday, June 5, 2012

English 10A

We watched the beginning of Shakespeare in Love today. We'll watch the rest on Thursday. Bring snacks to share.

Two optional study periods:
Pizza cram: 11:30 Thurs. June 21 in my room. Arrive with all your notes. Bring the completed practice exam and we'll go over it.

Tues. June 19th at noon.

Laser Tag at laser city. It's located on View St. near Blanshard, just around the corner from the movie theatres.  We'll meet there one day to play. We must pick a date and commit to attending. I will need to book it. You will also need to create a name for yourself and give it to me as they use this made-up name to keep score.

Possible times:
Wed. June 20th at 2 p.m.