Thanks to all the students who participated brilliantly during our discussion of the story, "Penny in the Dust". Tonight, revise your thesis so that you will be prepared to write a first draft during class tomorrow.
We will also be having our vocabulary test tomorrow. To pass: 90%. 100% = a chocolate bar. Study. is a great resource. You can create a new set of words and practice on-line.
Weak thesis: The symbol of the dusty penny reveals that Pete loves his father.
Stronger thesis: In the story, "Penny in the Dust" by Ernest Buckler, the dusty penny clearly depicts the relationship between Pete and his father because, like the dirty coin, their love is hidden by an awkward and fragile silence.
Tomorrow, after the test, we will write a draft of the paragraph.
You will need to focus on the literary must-haves sheet and be prepared to make new mistakes. IF YOU MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES AS LAST TIME, THE PARAGRAPH WILL EQUAL 0. STUDY HOW TO USE AN APOSTROPHE, A COMMA, AND A SEMI-COLON. Know how to use present tense. Know how to replace THIS SHOWS or I THINK THAT . . .
You will do well. Have a great night.
Whenever you are ahead, read at least 15 to 30 pages more.
USSR: 245 pages so far.