Friday, September 26, 2014

English 11: How to interpret a passage of literature . . . .

For Monday, finish reading chapter one. It is quite long so you will need a good half hour for this task. Complete the how-to-interpret literature sheet.

You did a fantastic job reviewing the vocabulary, and beating your reading goals today. Well done. If you are reading this blog, make it a habit as a way to review and you will increase your marks and interest in the course.

We added the words: avid and contrite to our list

Today we came up with a few steps to interpret a passage of literature:

The most important step is to read the passage a few times and take note of key words. Similar to what we did yesterday for para. one.


1. See if there is a literary technique in the passage as this technique will offer you a quick interpretation: irony, juxtaposition, pathetic fallacy, a change in diction (word-choice), a change in tone, a surprise response from a character

2. Look for repetitions of words

3. Make connections to other parts of the book (the weight of his clothes from page five is now the weight of the heat) How are they connected?

4. Look at what the characters are doing -- is this event a key one? How are they responding? Are all of the characters responding in the same manner?

We practised with the first quotation on the sheet:

page 9: juxtaposition In the beginning Ralph is happy. He takes off his clothes, dives into the lagoon, is glad there are no adults, imagines his father will find him etc

But Piggy's pronouncement that they could be stuck there forever changes Raalph.
It is a wake-up call and he asks for his clothes. The clothes represent security as they remind him of home, his dad, civilization, etc

Also, Golding makes the descriptions of the island more hostile. Ralph and Piggy react differently to the news.

If you have extra time this weekend, see if you can get 30 or more pages read of your USSR book.

Assignment is below:


Authors use literary techniques to add depth to their work. As you read chapter one look for and examine the following: juxtaposition, pathetic fallacy, symbols, reading between the lines, key images, interpreting characters' actions or speech,

Quote: ' We may stay here 'till we die' . . . ' Get my clothes,' muttered Ralph (9).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: ' That was what you meant . . .why you got the conch out of the water?'”(12).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: The boy who controlled them was dressed the same way though his cap badge was golden”(15).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: Then the creature stepped from mirage on to clear sand . . . not all shadow but mostly clothing” (15).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: “”I can't decide what to do straight off'” (20).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: Read page 25 from the big paragraph in the middle to the second last sentence on the page
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________