Thursday, January 12, 2012

AP Lit

Excellent work with Larkin's poem, "Here". Amazing!! Larkin is the "spotlight poet" on this week. If you would like to read more about him (he was a critic of American jazz, for example) visit:

This weekend, find forty minutes to practice writing a composition on one of the two poems I handed out today.

Use the generic question, often found on AP exams:

Write a well-organized essay in which you analyze the techniques the poet uses to convey his attitude toward the poem's subject manner.

Remember, the persona / speaker in the poem cannot be assumed to be the poet.

|With this section of the exam, divide up your 40 minutes differently--take more time to plan by
re-reading and annotating the poem. Use TPCASTT to ensure that you cover all the bases.

If you don't like TPCASTT, you need to be really experienced at reading poetry.

Meaning in poetry relies on sound, form, and language.
Sound: rhythm, rhyme, repetition, and sound devices: alliteration, assonance etc
Form:  Look for punctuation, caesura, enjambement and juxtaposition in modern poetry.
Language: diction, colloquial, elevated, literary devices -- particularly allusion and metaphor

For poetry prior to the 20th century, review your Lit 12 notes as you have it all covered.
There is also a poetry summary in the package I gave you.

Next week we'll be starting something fun!! (evil or not-so-evil laugh here)