Today we reviewed all the criteria for the manuscript. If you were away, be sure to re-read that sheet. It is also posted on an early blog.
New deadline for the mansucript is Friday, Jan. 27, period 1.
This week focus on meeting the criteria. It may be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster so go easy on yourself. Stick to the critieria. Trust the skills you've acquired this year. Get editing help.
Aim to have everything ready to go by Thursday afternoon. Print it out and get a friend to copy edit it.
That means they are looking for spelling and typographical errors. Get them to read it from the end to the beginning so they can focus on each individual word. It's really hard to copy edit your own work. No writer does it. All writers have editors. Find someone with an excellent eye!
I'm willing to edit poems all week so get them to me asap.