Monday, February 27, 2012

Ap Lit

We started Albert Camus' novel, The Outsider, today. I did a short intro to the concept of absurdity and how Camus defines, uses that concept in the novel. If you were absent, get the notes from a friend. I also assigned the ABSURDIST JOURNAL. Due 2 weeks from today. Get the criteria from a friend. Completing the journal is the best way to internalize these absurdist concepts.

A good source to read is

I read a comical article written by Susan Musgrave, called "The Art of Small Talk," which exemplifies some of the scripts that exist in Canadian society.

We started reading, discussing, taking notes on the novel. You can pick up a copy on Wed. if you were away today.
Homework: Prepare for the free-response essay on Joyce. You'll write it on Wednesday.