The Sentence!!
I'm so excited by the sentences you wrote today!! Wild and wonderful.
The boy hit the ball.
Subject (1) Verb (2) Object (3)
When writing sentences focus on adding information to ONE of the sections. By doing so, your writing is transformed and you CUT MOST if not ALL your adjectives and adverbs.
Example of adding info to the subject:
Although the boy had not slept, did not yet know the enormity the next second would have on his life, he hit the ball.
2=The VERB
THe boy hit like he needed to break a pinata, or soemthing bigger maybe, like Montana--yeah, he needed that: he needed to smack Montana but instead, he hit the ball.
The boy hit the ball, not a real ball, something he had made with Safeway bags and string, something only a small boy's imagination knew how to do; there was no shame in it--nothing but pride.
If you want to add info to your basic subject, verb, object sentence, only ever all to two sections, i.e. 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 or 3 and 1 etc.
Below is an example of adding info to one and two, the subject and the verb:
Although the boy was new to Farmington, he had somehow made it into the lineup and hit the ball while blowing a kiss to the crowd who watched a star sing its way to the gril in right field.
If you missed today, here is your homework, write four sentences--one of each type and come to class prepared to discuss what effect each type of addition has on the meaning and structure of the sentence.
Review: effects of point of view, verb tense, dramatic, limited omniscient or omniscient point of view, space montage and time montage. If you missed yesterday's class, be sure to get the notes.
If you missed today's class, talk it over with someone who was here.