I collected the Modest Proposal imitations today. I also emailed everyone updated marks. Please check to ensure they are correct.
Today, we introduced the topic: Romantic Period. Read and take notes. Whenever you take notes, be sure to add in your inferences.
We took notes on the pre-Romantic poet, Robert Burns. Read the section on Burns in your text book.
Next, we discussed the definition of lyric poetry, since "Ode to a Mouse" is a lyric.
Finally, we began to read the poem. We will finish up tomorrow before starting Blake.
We also discussed the role of art and who should pay artists. Government? Benefactors?
Why is art needed in society?
Imagine a world without music, art, literature, television, scuplture, opera, dance.
What is left?
Why do we create art? Why do we crave it? Ignore it? Praise it? Revile it?