I have emailed you your first lines (mysterious laugh here). Take the character you created and the character you were handed and create the first 300 words for a story similar to the Dobyns' story we read in class where Floyd Beefus meets the gas man and one of the characters is definitely changed by the encounter but the reader does not know which one until the end of the story. Dobyns said that he wrote that story from a first line which is why I have emailed you all your first lines. If the line doesn't fit exactly the characters you have, feel free to change it to suit your needs.
Bring the typed 300 words to class Tuesday to read aloud and to discuss your process.
We worked with the idea of status today and ways to improve dialogue so using Dobyns as your model, the idea of status and dialogue ideas, let's see you experiment with your writing style.
I collected your first stories today. I'm looking forward to them.
Author presentations will start the week after next. We will do two per week. I'll give you your date on Tuesday. Your job now is to read, read, read your author's books and to decide what attributes you think the class would enjoy imitating. Looking forward to these presentations. Your poetry presentations were brilliant.