We watched the film to 1:37. We will continue the film next Thursday.,
Tues: I have booked the south computer lab. Do not come to class. Go directly to the lab.
Ms. Fraser will be teaching the class. She is an English teacher/scholar who loves Shakespeare and will be able to answer any questions you may have.
Homework: Begin to narrow your assessment of the love/hate themes and juxtapositions in the play.
Choose 9 quotations that you will respond to. Bring the quotations to class Tuesday.
Use Tuesday's class well by getting all your responses complete.
A 6/6 response demonstrates your ability to analyze text: diction, imagery, literary techniques such as allusion, caesura, metaphor etc and your ability to make connections to other passages in the play. Your responses should clearly state what this quote adds to your understanding of the topic and why you think so.
This essay is not about what you think about love/hate. This essay is an analysis of what is revealed in the play and how you discover and explain your revelations.
Good luck. Review your notes about the quote log from the Mockingbird unit.
Do treat Ms. Fraser respectfully by staying on task. Arriving on time with all of your materials and by having your homework completed.
Thank you. Have a great weekend.