We finished reading Act 5 and making notes so if you were absent, be sure to get the notes.
We started watching the Zerrerelli version of the play. Remember that a director interprets the work so you are watching an interpretation (biased by his views). You are not watching the "true play". With this idea in mind though, notice how he interprets the play. Does it match with your interpretations? Which key scenes does he skip? Why does the play open with a close up of the sun? What do you make of the costumes and the music? Do the actors portray Romeo and Juliet in the way that you would depict them? Why or why not?
Keep your essay and quote log in mind. We will finish up the film Wednesday before the long weekend. When you return, Tues, May 22, I will be away so you will have another teacher cover the class. I will book the computer lab for that class so you can finish your quote log.
Homework: Start the quote log. You will need 9 quotations plus responses completed and ready to submit, Thursday, May 24.