Monday, September 17, 2012

11E--Making sense of fiction

Re-read your notes from today's presentations. What did you learn about tone, diction or syntax? How many of the new words from the list have become a part of your vocabulary?

We added the following literary terms. If you were absent, get the definitions from a partner or on-line and get the notes from today's presentations from a friend. We'll finish the presentations tomorrow (on the story, "A Few Notes for Orpheus". Tonight, finish one of your USSR books or at least read 15 pages. If you are heading for an A, you need to read three books by the end of September.

We have new books on the top shelf of the bookcase. Have a look!

Looking for something new? Canadian literature is the focus for English 11. Ask for a tour of our book room texts. They are incredible!

1. allusion
2. pun
3. pathetic fallacy
4. assonance
5. dissonance/cacophony
6. consonance
7. syntax
8. paradox
9. tone
10. diction
11. juxtaposition
12. alliteration
13. motif
14. symbol