Since Monday is not in session, we'll workshop Tuesday and you may submit two poems Wednesday. I'll check to see if the lab is open.
Gillian, Aubrey and Joel all presented today. Be ready to present. Take a risk and go up to the front. No need to wait until you are asked. Start reading your work to the class. It's good to be BOLD>
- Oct. 4, we will be going to the Belfry Theatre. It will cost approximately 20.00.Get permission from your period 3 and 4 teachers asap.
- Visit Get a free assingment pass by attending .... $3.00 the Victoria Literary Festival. Friday, Oct. 12 and/or Sat. Oct. 13. You may earn up to THREE, count-'em, paragraph passes. Life is SWEET. Plus, you'll get credit for attending a literary event which you must do before NOV. 2.
- Visit Vote for the BEST poem!! Let your voice be heard... at the Walrus magazine site. Just knowing about Walrus magazine supplies enormous COOL factor. No one knew about the magazine. A plague on both your houses! Don't let American magazines dominate your bookshelf. Subscribe now!!