I collected the essays, cover pages, edited drafts, edited introductions and the checklists today as well as the quotation logs. Well done.
Today, I handed out the short story assignment. Maximum 1500 words if possible. The BCTELA contest has a word limit of 1500. If you need to write a longer story, you may do so.
The topic is identity.
Homework: Arrive on Wed. knowing what you wish to reveal about identity, know your character's name, the setting, the conflict and have two to three key incidents written down. An incident is simply something that happens which makes the character get closer to understanding his/her identity.
Today in class we read a number of short story selections from the anthology, Naming the Baby, the best of The Claremont Review issues 1 - 30.
If you were absent, please read the following stories/poems on pages 111 and 147.
Read any two of the following stories:
p. 29, 39, 176, 232 or 113.
As you read look for the ways the authors keep your interest. How they show but do not state directly what their ideas of identity are.
Be prepared to write a lot during class tomorrow.