Friday, March 8, 2013

Lit 12: Get that novel read!

If you forgot your novel at school, go get one from the public library or download an e-copy. They are also for sale at Russell's Books on Fort St. Finish reading your novel over the break. Since we have a short week when we return due to Good Friday, we will have our book club discussions on Thursday, March 28.

Today: I collected the paragraphs on setting.

We read for 15 minutes. 

Notetaking: Read pages 18-139 "Elizabethan Tastes and Attitudes". As you read, make sure to note: humanism, The Great Chain of Being, and attitudes toward all things artificial.

Question: How can you apply these concepts to the topics and intricacies of the sonnet?

Today: We read the next two Shakespearean sonnets on the core list. Be sure to read them and make notes. Look for tone, imagery, any volta or shift in tone, determine who is speaking to whom, and what the attitude the speaker has toward the topic.