Test Outline:
Read and annotate two poems about the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. Write a formal compare and contrast composition which answers the question asked.
Know the poems we studied well:
"The Macaroni Song"
"The Child Who Walks Backwards"
"Social Studies Report"
"Newsflash in the Fashion Magazines"
"Public School No. 18, Patterson, New Jersey"
Know the themes and the techniques. Be able to discuss the poems.
Know about writing poetry and what makes a good poem.
We will do a terms' test later.
I am impressed by the poems I have edited so far and also by your responses to last week's poetry presentation by Jay Ruzesky, Carla Funk and Wendy Morton. You articulated the experience well and added concrete examples to support your opinions.
We continue to focus on making inferences as you read. Since Golding's novel is an allegory, you have ample opportunity to read between the lines.
Yesterday, we spoke of "civilization". What is it? Should we admire it? Does civilization include war? What rules need to be changed in schools? At work?
At home? How do we change?
Today we wrote poem 4 and I collected poem 3.
Last day to submit poems for editing is tomorrow. You may submit a poem more than once if you want more feedback.
Friday: I will return all of the poems. You will have a chance to peer edit and to re-write and to type up your manuscript which is due Monday.
If you need an extension, let me know today. Otherwise, I expect all students to submit the work on time.
Keep referring to the criteria for the poems so that your mark reflects that knowledge.