Friday, April 19, 2013

Response to the Library presentation plus writing poems this weekend . . .

In a paragraph of 200 to 300 words discuss at least three of the following:

  • how to live an artful life
  • what is modern poetry
  • what can you write about / inspirations for poems you'll write
  • how is our society reflected in the themes they read about
  • the poets / their poems: Wendy Morton, Jay Ruzesky, Carla Funk
  • writing programs
  • corporate poetry sponsors
  • The Elder Project 

Your poetry manuscript is due Monday, April 29. Each poem must be edited and meet the criteria. If you were absent today, ask for a criteria sheet. We are writing poems similar to the ones we've been studying and the poems in your poetry journals and in The Claremont Review.

We brainstormed five key criteria for modern poems and we all agreed that poems need
  • imagery
  • surprise (catch you off guard)
  • structure
  • form (title, ending, line breaks, diction, stanzas etc)
  • theme (feeling, observations of the world, what drives you crazy?)

  • Next, I introduced a form called a pantoum. We wrote ten lines about a photograph. I have a selection of fabulous black and white photos which tell great stories. 
Ask me for the pantoum handout.

If your poem on the secret is working, type it up and let me edit it.
You need to have all four poems edited before next Friday. 

Homework: Interview a family member this weekend and write a poem about him or her. Use the criteria above and the sheet I gave you.

Type it up and bring to class for editing.