If you were absent today, you missed the test below. You will need to stay an hour after school to write it. You will have a different set of questions.
You have two choices for the test:
1. Following your knowledge of the literary paragraph and your best written style, and using you knowledge of the first 8 chapters, create a 4 to 5 paragraph composition which proves the thesis below:
Holden's loneliness is completely understandable.
2. For each of the quotations below, write a literary paragraph of 150 words to discuss the quotation's tone, symbolic content, and what it reveals about Holden. Be sure to state who is speaking and what is happening when the quotation is said.
1. " ' What'd you do?' I said. 'Give her the time in Ed Banky's car?' My mouth was shaking something awful" (43).
2. "The snow was very good for packing. I didn't throw it at anything, though. I started to throw it. At a car . . .at a hydrant , but that looked too nice and white, too. Finally I didn't throw it at anything" (36).
3. " ' This is a people shooting hat,' I said. ' I shoot people in this hat" (22).
4. " I saw it in the window of this sports store when we got ouf of the subway, just after I noticed I'd los al the goddam foils" (17).
5. " . . . I was sort of thinking of something else while I shot the bull. ...I was thinking about the lagoon in Cdental Park . . . I was wondering if t would be frozen over when I got home, and if it was, where did the ducks go" (13).