Homework: Finish the draft tonight. If you want me to edit it, have it on my desk by 9 a.m. You need to create a front and back cover as well. Look at the front cover of your USSR book. What are its design features? What is on the back cover?
Don't worry about the press release as we have run out of time.
We start our poetry unit tomorrow and a novel for USSR but the novels will not be available until Monday. If you would like to get a copy now, visit the library and ask for Catcher in the Rye.
Here are some sample openings to published memoirs:
How to start my memoir
Writing this 1500 word memoir is the preparation you need to be ready to achieve a 6/6 on your section D--creative composition on your provincial exam.
You have written several pieces all year. Go back, cut and paste, focus on style. Focus on keeping your reader's interest.
As you write about an event in your life, you also get the privilege of reflecting on the incident, what you learned, what regrets you have, what you wish you could do now, the people in your life, the betrayals, the support, the losses, the gains.