I'm looking forward to reading your new paragraphs! Please do not arrive to class without your work. If you need an extension (based on real circumstances) I will consider your request.
Friday: We'll finish reading the story, "The Veldt".
Paragraph Correction Response Sheet
Title of Assignment: ___________________________ Date: ________________________________
Mark I was expecting: __________________________
Mark I received: __________________________
The definition of insanity is expecting change to result from making the same mistakes.
In order to improve for next time, I want to learn how to:
1. ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The literary must-haves that I forgot to include were
1. _____ verb tense, no contractions,
2. _____ sentence variety (using short/long/medium sentences, varying the type and varying how the sentence begins)
3. _____ using synonyms for words that repeat a lot in the paragraph
4. _____ using pronouns such as this is or this means or it shows etc.
5. _____ forgetting the page number or not citing correctly
6. _____ forgetting that quotes can’t float so needing to integrate quotations
7. _____ forgetting to check for wordiness or slang
8. _____ forgetting the 13 steps (especially elaboration and transitions)
9. _____ sufficient evidence to prove my thesis
10. _____ insightful responses to the evidence I had gathered (or too-obvious observations)