Friday, March 9, 2012

Lit 12

Tuesday: Renaissance Test: 15 multiple choice. Review the material and the literary terms. You will write a literary paragraph on a sight poem and another paragraph on a Lear passage.

Please have the good copy of your essay stapled to your edited copy, ready to hand in at the beginning of the period. Submit your quote log as well. I'll collect your notebooks on Thursday.
Cover page

Give your essay a title based on its thesis: Blindness Imagery in Shakespeare's King Lear.
The True Definition of Madness in Shakespeare's King Lear. Centre the title on the page.
In the lower left hand corner, include the following items:

Literature 12
Ms. Stenson

For those writing the test on Monday, meet me in the English office at the scheduled time. Submit your work at that time. Bring a copy of your poems but without your name. I'll get you to fill in a cover sheet.

Thursday: Poetry submissions. Arrive with copies of your poems. One of each for the BCTELA contest. If you want to submit to The Claremont Review contest or to the magazine bring subsequent copies. See submission guidelines at
Also, have your poems available electronically as there are two magazines to which you can submit via the internet. One of them will need your picture so have a picture available electronically as well.