Excellent work today!!
For those of you who were absent today, please contact your homework buddy for more detailed explanations and/or see me at lunch Wednesday.
Also, anyone who wants extra help with paragraph writing, see me at lunch Wednesday. There may be treats!
Today: USSR, finished reading "The Veldt". Worked with a partner to create a what/so what chart on the following: Find the three best passages to describe the Hadley family. Students worked together with a partner to elaborate and to add insight. You need three passages and 9 insights all together.
Next, I passed out two sample student paragraphs. We read them and created a list of the qualities of good literary writing. We noticed attributes such as insight, diction, transitions, strong verbs and superb quote integration. Ask me for the handout. Use these paragraphs as models for future paragraph review.
Next, I returned the Penny in the Dust paragraphs which you submitted on Friday.
If you would like to improve your mark, re-write the paragraph. Attach the new copy to the previous copy. Talk to your editor if they missed several key errors.
Homework: Review the three stories we have studied. Choose one that you like the best.
Thursday: Timed paragraph writing. I will give you three questions. One on each story. Choose one question and write a paragraph. You will need to work from memory here. How well do you know the literary must-haves? How well can you write under a time constraint.
Marks awarded for style, content, and format. Make sure that you know what all three words mean.
Review your notes, your drafts, your comments and your goals for literary writing.
Good luck.
The short story test for this unit is in SDS. It will be the second Friday back after spring break, April 20. You will be reading a short short story and writing a paragraph during class.