Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Eng 10: Injustice Projects due . . .PLUS . . .

Congratulations to those students who regularly check the blog and work to priorize their studies. Those of you who read the requisite 100 pages on the weekend and read quietly during class today will not have many pages left tonight to complete the novel.

Tonight: Finish reading the novel. Be sure to post-it note the key phrases since you'll need them for your essay. Will you write on injustice, prejudice, growing up? HMMM. You'll get to decide tomorrow.

Injustice Projects: I'm really looking forward to these projects!

Vocabulary Quiz: Most of you know all 30 words really well by now. There will always be a few words which are more difficult to recall. Practice using those words. A number of students are using the words in their paragraphs. Well done.

We start preparing to write the essays during class tomorrow. It is key that you have finished reading the book.