You will receive a completion mark.
Do not arrive and ask to print as we do not have time. Print it out at lunch.
Bring your essay checklist to class on Monday.
You may have already completed the checklist by Monday but we will do one extra revision to ensure that your work is revised and polished.
If you have misplaced your checklist, copy and past the copy below into your word processing program and print it out.
The German students will be presenting their project.
English 10 Essay Coversheet
items below must be in your essay. Do not submit an essay with any
of the items below missing. ATTACH THIS FORM (WITH ALL POINTS
Introduction Checklist
- _____ Begin the essay with a catchy opener: a quotation, question, anecdote.
- _____ All verbs are in the present tense and no contractions are used.
- _____ The thesis answers the question So What??? and meets the other thesis criteria discussed, and includes the author’s name. The title of the novel or play is italicized.
- _____ Each body paragraph is represented by a summary sentence in the introduction. If you have three body paragraphs, for example, you will have three sentences about the body in your introduction. Be clear and forthright here.
- _____ Your last sentence repeats your thesis but it appeals more to the reader’s emotions: justice, passion, righteousness, honor, sympathy, etc.
- _____ You have varied your sentences so that they do not all start in the same manner. You have varied your verbs so that is, does, makes etc. are used rarely. Use strong verbs such as emphasizes, exemplifies, elucidates, depicts, reflects, demands, reveals, portrays, etc.
Body Paragraph Checklist
- _____ Each body paragraph is equal in length and no paragraph is less than 350 words.
- _____ All verbs are in the present tense and no contractions are used.
- _____ All quotations are followed by a page number (124) and a period comes after the bracket but not before the bracket (124).
- _____ Each opinion is followed by evidence followed by an explanation followed by a transitional phrase or word. Each piece of evidence (a quote or paraphrase) is connected clearly to the thesis and is discussed insightfully.
- _____ You do NOT re-tell the story. You focus on proving your thesis by repeating what your points prove.
- _____ All paragraphs have a strong concluding sentence, emotional in tone.
- _____ The introductory sentence covers all the material in the paragraph and makes you want to read on. It adds insight to the overall thesis you are proving.
- _____ Somewhere in each body paragraph you mention your thesis and how these points are proving it.
- _____ You vary your sentence beginnings and use good verbs like emphasizes, exemplifies, illustrates, portrays, depicts, shows etc. Is, has, makes, seems are used rarely. Your arguments are persuasive. Sentences are clear.
- _____ You vary your sentence lengths so no one style takes over. Some sentences are really short and some are really long.
- _____ You have edited and spell-checked your work so no typos get through.
- _____ You solemnly believe that you have proven your thesis with clear evidence from the text and you are not simply retelling the story. Logical development is evident.
- _____ You substitute pronouns with persuasive nouns. No It shows or this means or this quote says.
- _____ You integrate all of your quotations into your sentences. No quotes float.
Conclusion Paragraph Checklist
- _____ You have not added any new information here.
- _____ You repeat your thesis right away and do not repeat the author or title.
- _____ Each body paragraph is represented by a summary sentence.
- _____ You end the conclusion by repeating your thesis emotionally.
- _____ You use the present tense of the verbs and no contractions are used.
- _____ You re-read your introduction and check that you have not veered off topic.
Style Checklist
1. _____ You have cut
slang or colloquial expressions. Diction is formal. Transitions are
clear. You have revised awkward sentences. Your prose flows well and
you stay on topic.