Remember to use multiple paragraphs. If you were absent today, the prompt was Suzie is talking to God. Her mother thinks . . .
Use the following words: toothache, Popsicle, Sears' Catalogue, hymn, shed, scissors, cabin, canvas and Pepsi.
Include a combination of the following:
- descriptions which appeal to the five senses
- personification
- concrete imagery
- an engaging story with unique details
- smiles or metaphors
- alliteration
- sentence variety
- great verbs
- onomatopoeia
- humour
- INSIGHT (Make the reader feel something. Not Hollywood. Not overly sentimental. Make it seem real).
- Satisfaction comes from helping others.
- Our toughest struggles in life can be with ourselves.
- Confidence comes from the support of others.
- Lessons are not always easy to learn.
- Experience comes with responsibility.
- To question society is easy but to question oneself is difficult.
We will write five compositions over the next five days. You will choose your favourite and create a strong final draft which I will mark. Keep checking your writing against the samples and keep adding more of the criteria.
I will see the following students at lunch: