If you were absent, get all the notes on Edmund Spencer and the handout on the free-response question for your in-class essay on your novel. Choose a question and as you continue to read your novel, find the three or four best passages that you can annotate in order to use quotes from those sections on your essay.
We had time to work with our poetry partners today. Christina and Whitney's presentation was fabulous. Tomorrow, we will do the next three poets on the list, Sidney, Shakespeare, and Donne.
Make sure you have read the works of the poets above. See last day's post for the original list.
We'll work through the list over the next couple of days. Once we finish, we will start your poetry literary essay on a theme of your choice.
Visit www.poetryfoundation.org for ideas and you may also use your text book.
We also need to do a grad satisfaction survey one day this week. We'll be called to the computer lab.
Wednesday: poetry practice: the multiple choice section. 35 questions. It will take you an hour.