Thursday, February 14, 2013

English 11: How are we shaped by family / society?

Read Hugh Garner's story, "The Sound of the Hollyhocks." 

Add the next two words to your vocabulary list: 15, 16, 17, and 18.

Each pair of students has been assigned a page to present to the class.

Present key words or phrases that are key to our understanding of the artistry of the story.
For example on page one in the first paragraph, a tone of alienation and aloneness is set up by a few key descriptions:
  • the TV set on the glassed-in veranda is off (indicates the patients are cut off from the real world, no access to reality or to the outdoors, they see everything through a window, perhaps)
  • the patients sit on the "edges of their beds"( as if waiting for some excitement but all that is coming are drugs to sedate them, again removing them from reality, )
  • sleeping potions and pills (suggest a hazy, powerless world for these people)
  • Pinehills Clinic (the name sounds euphemistic, set amongst the pines suggests a retreat of some sort, romantic sounding, yet clinic is cold and medicinal)
You will be marked on your ability to find good pieces of evidence that demonstrate what is important on your page and how well you can offer opinions regarding their importance.

Bring a chart to class. Prepare to give a short talk to the class.

Sidney, your page is number 9.
Robert, your page is 19. 
Kenneth, your page is 18