Wednesday, February 13, 2013

English 11: Get that novel finished . . .

Remember to post-it note as you go. You are reading this novel slowly so that you can assess the impact of family and/or society (school) on the main character.

If you were absent today, be sure to call your homework buddy to get a copy of all the notes.

We did the next two words: latent and sardonic. We did a quiz on all 14 words. Add them to your list.

I returned the paragraphs and we assessed our strengths and shortcomings. We read two sample paragraphs to use as guides for subsequent paragraphs. Be sure to know what you want to work on for the next paragraph.

We did a creative writing piece on loneliness and then we began reading the story, "The Sound of the Hollyhocks" on page 7.

We'll finish reading the story tomorrow. This weekend make time to finish reading your novel so you can start the quotation log next week.