Using the criteria you discussed with your partner regarding the BEST OF THE CLAREMONT REVIEW poems, and the paragraph you wrote in class today, write a poem using your bedroom as inspiration.
Edit it a few times. Type it up. Bring it to class. Be prepared to read it to a small group.
Make sure you start reading your author for your presentation. Start thinking about the due date and collaborating with your partner.
Tomorrow, we will be going to the library to choose authors for the presentations. You will need a partner for this assignment.
Please speak to your period 3 and 4 block teachers to get permission to attend the Belfry Theatre performance. To read about this performance, you can click on the link before. The date is Thursday, Oct. 10th.
Belfry Theatre
Re-read the course outline to ensure that the course you thought you had chosen matches this course. If you can agree with the expectations you will have a fabulous time. Attendance is mandatory. Make up all missed classes.
Every Thursday, you will have two poems due.
The first date is Thursday, Sept. 12.
I'm really excited to work with you all.