Style Criteria
- Be creative and clear
- Use accurate vocabulary and clear transitions
- Add sentence variety
- Use vocabulary from our list
- Use synonyms, e.g. Instead of saying Mr. Pignati three times, use the kind gentleman or The inspiring mentor or Their unexpected guide
- Cut This shows or This means (lazy writing)
- Follow the literary must-haves sheet (Memorize it)
- Re-read yesterday's blog so you have a good example to imitate
If you were absent today, we read for fifteen minutes. We did a practice quiz on the last 17 words. We reviewed the criteria for the essay:
Structure (the paragraph template plus two extra sentences) 30%
Style (See above) 30%
Insight (Don't be vague, answer why? Go beyond the obvious. Don't re-tell the story. Add enthusisam. Make it compelling. Be excited about your ideas.) 30%
Proofreading 10%