If you need a new USSR form for March, please pick one up at my desk. Forms are due March 31. Remember to complete each line, single spaced of the response sheet in order to guarantee the mark you are aiming for. Also, discuss the most interesting parts of the book. What you will remember about the book.
Today: We had time to catch up on our reading and complete our quotation logs and our quotation log cover sheets. Be sure to read and re-read the yellow criteria sheet in order to ensure that you are on track. I marked your first quotation response. If you did not receive a 10/10, be sure to correct subsequent log responses so that they meet the criteria.
Check previous blog entries for ideas.
Call you homework buddy.
Quotation Logs and Cover Sheets are due today.
If you have asked for an extension, they are due the first day back from spring break.
Have a good rest.
We will write The Pigman essays the first week back.