In all classes today, I collected the USSR sheets for February and the mind maps. If you were absent today, you must bring a note in order to be able to submit work due today.
Be sure to get the vocabulary, and notes from a partner.
We had a practice quiz on words 1-20 today.
Today's journal topic was regret. Be sure to write for 5 minutes on this topic in your journal.
Stop by for lunch time extra help tomorrow.
Period 3: Finish reading the novel. Choose a topic for your quotation log/ essay and find 12 to 15 quotations that you think reflect your topic.
Sample topics:
1. Reasons for loneliness in the novel
2. The symbol of the cage, cage of fear, grief, rejection
3. Lack of communication and relationships with parents
4. Poor adult role models
5. Impact of kindness on John and Lorraine
6. How will the friendship of Mr. Pignati affect John and Lorraine
7. Why does John use toughness and deceit to protect his true nature?
Period 4: You are at a disadvantage having English last period every day. You must save energy for period 4. Bring water and a healthy snack. Focus. Participate. Ask questions. Stay on task. Your marks could suffer.
Paragraph / Vocab Test Corrections are Due: Staple them to the originals
Finish reading the novel. Arrive ready to start the quotation log.