Due Wednesday:
Two poems stapled to the contest entry form. Make sure name does NOT appear on the poem itself. STRICT DEADLINE. PLEASE REMEMBER TO GET THE FORMS SIGNED. THANKS.
Today, we used the poetry criteria sheet to self-assess and edit poem 4. If you were absent today, Print a copy of poem 4 and edit it on the paper. You are marked on how well you can edit. FOLLOW THE CRITERIA ON THE SHEET. If you were absent, arrive with this edited poem tomorrow and submit for marks.
Also, if you were away today, you will need to print out a contest entry form (2 copies) and choose the two of your four poems which you think fit the criteria best and then edit and edit and edit so there are no typos, spelling errors, missing apostrophes etc. Take your name off the poem. Print. Attach to the form.
Click on the link below and print out two copies. One for each poem.
Fill in both forms. Get a parent's signature on both.
Two poems plus the contest forms are due Wednesday because the deadline for the contest is April 22nd.
Contest entry form-print out two copies
I have to mail them to Vancouver so no late work can be accepted.
Print neatly on the forms.
Claremont students generally win up to 60 % of these awards and if your work is selected by the judges, your poetry will be published in a book called, Voices Visible. You will receive a copy in the mail. Be sure to keep electronic copies of all your poems as you will need to send them in when the winners are announced Fall 2014.
All four poems, plus title page, plus edited drafts are still due on Tuesday, April 22. Read the criteria sheet one more time.
Adage of the month: Failing to plan is planning to fail.