Friday, April 25, 2014

English 9, period 4

Yesterday we had a great Book-smack! Thank you everyone for contributing!

Today (Friday), we went to the library to research Autism Spectrum Disorder (please see the question forms below to fill out and show me on Monday if you were not here.  If you would prefer a word document, email me for one at

With our research on Autism, we are creating a journal entry in Christopher's voice (please see the description below.)

For Monday:
- Study for your Vocabulary quiz, words 1-50
- Bring in a rough draft of your journal entry

For later this week:
-Read up to page 74 of Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time for WEDNESDAY.  We will have a plot quiz to make sure that everyone is keeping up.
-April USSR is due THURSDAY, May 1.

Have a great weekend!
-Ms. Wood

Autism Spectrum Disorder Research


Places to look:
Learning Commons – Secondary District Digital Resources
  • World Book Advanced
  • Consumer Health Complete Or just try googling “autism”

1.What is the definition of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

2. What is Aspergers and how is it different?

3. Find 4 common challenges for individuals with ASD.




4.Find 4 possible strengths for individuals with ASD.




5. In what sort of environment would an individual with ASD be most comfortable? What might be upsetting to an individual with ASD?

Places to Look:
Learning Commons – Secondary District Digital Resources
  • Global Issues in Context
Learning Commons – Other Resources
  • Databases – Opposing Viewpoints

1.Find 1 controversy or debate regarding ASD. What are the different sides? And how much support does each side have to back it up? Does it seem reliable?


____________________________________ vs. ____________________________________













2.What do you think about this Controversy?

Applying Your Research

Create a 200 – 250 word Journal entry in the style of Christopher's voice. Discuss what a day at school would be like if you had autism.

You may include drawings/diagrams and non-grammatical sentences like Christopher does.
-Christopher loves facts – you must include at least 3 facts about Autism Spectrum Disorder that you have learnt, quoted and cited properly.

Due Tuesday, April 29.

On Monday, bring in your rough drafts and we will peer assess and work on citing websites.

MLA website citation:

... “Quotation” (Author/organization, “Title of Article”).

I am just one of the “tens of millions worldwide” affected by Autism (Autism Speaks, “What is Autism”).

At the end (Works Cited): Alphabetize these

Author/organization. “Title of Article.” Name of Website/Database. Publication date. Web. Date accessed.


Autism Speaks. “What is Autism.” Autism Speaks Canada. 2014. Web. Accessed April 25, 2014.