I collected the poetry test corrections. I have updated the marks so please make sure to check that your marks are accurately recorded in the computer as I will be sending the marks home on Monday.
Chapter 2 and 3: Read the two chapters closely. Post-it note any examples of myths or truths about wolves.
Quote Log: Start the quote log now by placing a post-it note on any key sentences that you MAY want to use in your quote log. Look for key passages that reveal a myth or a truth about wolves (and this supposed wolf problem that has landed in Farley's lap) Look for examples of bias. Look for examples of irony, humour, wit, understatement, etc)
We will be writing an essay on the book in two weeks. Stay current with all reading deadlines. Read ahead whenever you can.
April USSR forms due Thurs, May 1. Be sure to speak in an excited manner about your book. Fill in every inch of space on the response sheet. Discuss a section of the book that you really liked.