The way to ACE the exam is to accept it for what it is, do what it says, MOVE slowly through the questions and show the province how amazing you are.
That's it.
Tonight: Using the mock exam, create a strong chart that demonstrates your ability to find the evidence to answer the question.
You may use a VENN diagram format to show the similarities and differences or a chart listing the main points for each story and then highlight similarities in one colour and differences in another.
They are not TOO concerned about similarities and differences. They want to know if you can read. And, yes, you can!
Next: Create a THESIS statement to answer this question.
Tomorrow: We will correct these charts. Talk about how to write it; e.g. how to get it started and review our formal, literary must-haves.
Bring any questions you have about this section to class.
Section C is a little more challenging. We will focus here and you will re-write your composition, peer edit it, and submit it on Friday. Length 600 words.
The key is to enter that gym, Feb. 3 at 8:50 a.m. with confidence and pride.
You have worked hard. Do not give up now. Stay there for the three hours and get your money's worth.