If you were absent today, you must do two things:
1. Edit someone's paper using our rubric.
2. Have your paper edited by a member of our class using the rubric.
Once you have had your essay, edited, use the checklist inside your package.
Ensure that your essay has all the criteria.
On Wed. Submit the following items
1. Good copy of the personal essay (make sure it has a title)
2. MLA Works Cited Page
3. Peer-edited copy
4. Essay Outline
Tomorrow: We start poetry.
Independent Novel: Read and analyze this novel by Mon. Jan. 26th so that you are ready to write a compare / contrast essay on the appearance versus reality motif.
Monday, we will choose key quotes from the novel, choose a story, play or novel studied this year, find quotes from it and create a strong thesis.
Tuesday next week: In-class essay comparing the two works. Be prepared by studying the essays and paragraphs you have written this year. Memorize your literary must-haves.
This week?
Poetry. We will focus on reading and writing poetry. You will have to read and poem and a story during the exam. You will be asked to discuss both pieces in relation to a question. We will prepare for this question on Thursday and Friday next week.
When you walk into the examination room, you will be prepared. Write well. It's worth 20% of your mark.