We have a list prepared. We are not going to have an MC so each reader will announce the next reader. Please sit at the front. The first five readers sit facing the audience. After you five go, we'll have the next five come up and sit facing the audience, etc. and proceed through all 25. I know it can be scary but once you do it, you will want to do it again. Support your peers by reading your work.
That is the Spartan spirit.
There will be prizes.
Please be prepared and do not go over your three-minute limit. Time yourself tonight as you practice. Know what you will read and how you plan to introduce it. Please talk to the audience as you would a friend. Nothing to fear. We will be there snapping and clapping and appreciating your work.
Wed: Manuscripts due. They must also be emailed to me. Thanks.
After I collect the manuscripts, we go to the computer lab to send a story to Aerie International and one or more to Polyphony H.S. You could send two 1500 word or less stories to each magazine.
I will give you all the cover pages for the BCTELA contest, the Claremont Review contest and the Claremont Review submission.
You may double submit to most magazines except do not send the same story to The Claremont Review and to the Claremont Review submissions as that could be embarrassing.
C.R. Contest:You send 1 story or 3 postcard stories to The Claremont Review contest. (no name on the story) Attach the story to the entry form. You have already paid for this contest so be sure to get this in.
C.R. Submission: You send up to 5 post card stories (not used for contest) or any combo of long and short stories (again not sent to contest). Let me know if you need a small envelope or a large envelope. (All items for publication must be submitted by Thursday to get the marks). You will have all Wed. and all Thurs. to accomplish these tasks. Put your name on these stories.
BCTELA (one story, 1500 word max. You may double submit) No name on story. Attach the story to the contest entry form. Contest is judged anonymously.
Aerie International (1500 word max. Not a good idea to double submit unless you are really organized and keep track of what you sent where so you can say contact the mag. to say, sorry, My DOG story is no longer available as the CR just took it. Some folks hate that as they put a lot of effort into reading and editing your story and just when they are about to contact you, you contact them and say, Sorry, Mac. I'm choosing another magazine).
Polyphony H.S. 1 to 3 stories (depends on how many poems you sent them. You are allowed to submit a maximum of 5 pieces, I believe. Check their guidelines.