Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lit 12

Today we created Fact / React charts to get us more involved in the readings and to ensure that more people get an opportunity to talk during class. I'll mark the charts and return them to you, Monday.

Review today's terms:
blank verse
periodic sentence
in medias res
epic poem
epic similes
heavenly muse
classical influences of Homer's The Ilyiad and The Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid.
justify the ways of God to man
divine right of kings
A Poet of God
John Milton's life
individual relationship with God

Make sure that you read Paradise Lost. Use Spark notes or a similar site to assist you. It will be a challenge but it will be worth your while because if you know what is happening, you are much more able to infer, to make connections, and to analyse the text when you arrive for class on Monday. There could be a surprise quiz on Monday, right? There could be cookies for those who made notes, right? There could be any number of wonderful things happening in the universe knowing that the Lit 12 students have integrity and do their homework in a timely fashion, right?

Vocabulary is needed to help you. Copy the following words into your Paradise Lost notes. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Monday and you may use your notes. You have to actually copy out the words into your notes. As you copy, make sure you are able to use the word in a sentence. If you are not sure, bring sentences with you to class. We'll be creating sentences on Monday.

guile (noun) cunningness, slyness
Leviathan (noun) a giant sea creature found in the Bible
perdition (noun) hell or eternal damnation
to vanquish (verb) to defeat in battle
oracle (noun) source of wisdom or prophecy (foretelling the future)
impetuous (adjective) impulsive
to transgress (verb) to sin, to break the law
transgression (noun) the act of making a mistake, sinning, going off track
ethereal (adjective) not of the earth, spiritual
deluge (noun) a great flood, a lot of water
to deify (verb) to make god-like
deity (noun) a god
to extort (verb) to steal or to obtain money via intimidation, extortion is the noun
dubious (adjective) doubtful
wrath (noun) anger, usually associated with violence, the wrath of God is a common phrase
ignominy (noun) ignominous is the adjective, the state of feeling ashamed or disgraced, shameful,
apostate (noun or adjective) Satan is an apostate or hell is an apostate setting, it means a person who renounces one's faith, a renegade or defector, or it can mean abandonment of a previous loyalty--the act of committing apostasy, can be religious or political in meaning
providence (noun) God's grace or protection
sufferance (noun) putting up with something, suffering through but not enough to do anything about it ie God's sufferance of Satan, another definition is patient endurance

This list of words can be found in Paradise Lost; however, these words will be applicable to several poems we study this year so memorize away!!