Tuesday, September 30, 2014

English 11: Read 15 pages tonight of your USSR book

You must have read at least 90 pages by tomorrow.

If you are behind, please devote some time tonight to your book. It is relaxing, enriching, empowering and fun!

Tomorrow: You will have 30 minutes to complete your paragraph. If you realize you will need more than 30 minutes, please work on the paragraph this evening.

Use all of your handouts.

Edit for strong verbs.

Here is a sample paragraph if you are worried that you are not on the right track:

    In the novel, Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, the boys symbolize a beast on the island because of their destructive, naïve, and impulsive demeanor. Immediately after realizing that he is stranded on the island, one of the main characters, Ralph, enjoys bullying another child named Piggy, making cracks about his weight, the way he talks, and the way he conducts himself. Golding uses the critical nature of Ralph to portray a generalized discontent among society, and the far too common judging of others. Ralph is generally accepted as the leader even though Piggy  makes all the decisions due to an inacceptance of Piggy's chubby, logical nature. In the middle of choosing leadership, the group of boys notice a “creature [stepping] from the mirage on to clear sand” (15). This “creature” turns out to be a marching group of boys. Through this symbolism, Golding makes the point that, in fact, society is the monster here. Earlier in the novel the removal and replacement of clothes portrays detachment from society and freedom, and conformity to societal customs and insecurity respectively. Furthermore, Golding reinstates this message when the boys find a boulder while exploring and decide to heave it down the mountain, “[smashing] a deep hole in the canopy of the forest” (25). On the same page, the forest “shook as with the passage of an enraged monster” (25). Ralph and the other boys are disturbing the natural order and flow of the island just to have some momentary enjoyment. By the same token, after the boys tear themselves away from the triumph, they climb further up the hill to discover a cirque on the side of the mountain where “the air was thick with butterflies, lifting, fluttering, settling” (25), which further contrasts with the man-made destruction that occurred only moments earlier. All things considered, Golding makes incredible use of symbolism and irony to show that the real menace on the island, in fact, are the boys who have just arrived.
 Thanks, Nathan. A great analysis of chapter one. 

Writing 12: Working with description and the narrative poem form

We finished the exercise from yesterday. The next three prompts are  I remember on that day I was thinking only of . . . and But now I remember and then But now I remember . . .

Do you happen to have your Naming the Baby book with you?

We will look at five narrative poems in there today, pages 190, 195, 197, 205, 223 and then we will write a narrative poem. It tells a vivid story with a sense of character/pt. of view but it opens up at the end instead of closing down . . . . makes you read it all over again

Narration in a poem keeps the reader engaged in the wild language and exquisite themes.

Tonight: Read the poems on pages 190 and 195. Use these examples to coach you through writing a narrative poem. Also, use our criteria sheet.

If you were absent today, ask me for a criteria list.

Bring your draft of your narrative poem to class tomorrow.


English 10: Creating a Found Poem on either

Found Poems are due Thursday! Choose either Paul or Ellen. Search for appropriate words and phrases from the story which you feel represent these characters. Your job is to find interesting uses of language and re-arrange them freshly to symbolize your interpretation of the characters. You may add some of your own words, too, if needed to ensure the poem makes senses.

Marks awarded for the design, the title, the "photograph in words" and how your poem makes us see the character in new ways.

You should have read at least 90 pages of your USSR book. Several people have finished a book. When you finish one, ask me for a response form.

Tomorrow, we start writing a paragraph on the "Lamp At Noon" story.

Make sure you like your thematic statement. You may need to do more research on key events in order to find three really striking quotations to use in your paragraphs.

Monday, September 29, 2014

English 11: Preparing to Write an in-class paragraph

Review all of today's handouts and notes. It is mostly review but it may have been a while since you have been in an English class.

ABSENCES: You need to be prepared if you miss a class. Check the blog. Call homework buddies. Come in at lunch. Do not assume that because you missed a class, you are not RESPONSIBLE for the work. It is the learning and the practice that you need so DO all work missed. Be sure to ask for help when you don't understand something.




Paragraphs are marked for content (insight: your ideas), structure (literary must-haves), and writing style (vocabulary, sentence variety, length, sufficient explanation of your views, etc).

Have something important to say (re-read the sheet we went over in class for ideas) about the book.

Be able to show why you think so by using evidence from the novel, cite your quotations well and incorporate them into your sentence.

Use all the prep work you did today to be ready for tomorrow:

1. Literary must-have list. Memorize it.
2. Use the #3 style for making a quote from the book part of your sentence.
3. Cite correctly, double or triple quotation marks and page numbers.
4. Prepare the quotations by thinking about what they suggest. Read between the lines. Know what technique is being used: irony, juxtaposition, pathetic fallacy etc.

The question is

In a literary paragraph of 300 to 500 words, discuss how the author suggests that the real beast or creature on the island is the boys themselves.

After you have chosen your three quotations/techniques, and written down your ideas, you are ready to create a thesis.


In the novel, Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, the real beast is symbolized by the boys because their innocence has been corrupted by exposure to war and they do not yet realize that imitating the adult world will have its consequences.

Tomorrow you will USE the template below to complete your paragraph:

First Point
First Example
First explanation (explain how the example proves your thesis)

Transition (Similarly, in contrast to, additionally, as a result, consequently) etc

Second point
second example
Second explanation


Third point
Third example
Third explanation

Conclude (repeat the key points from your paragraph. Make sure they match your thesis)

Use present tense.
Use strong verbs: elucidates, exemplifies, reveals, supports, portrays, emphasizes etc

Use vocabulary words from our list: contrite, officious, ebullient, belligerent etc

Use sentence variety: long, short, medium length, start each sentence differently, avoid they, they they or the boys .... for each sentence beginning, use complex, simple and compound sentences, use subordinate clauses, which suggests that, because the boys laugh, although the island's beauty . . . , despite,

Writing 12: Two poems due Thursday . . .

Every Thursday two poems are do. I edit them and give you a mark. These marks are a form of formative assessment letting you know how close you are to meeting the criteria.

Tomorrow, we will write and write and write.

Wed: I'll go over the criteria with you and you will have the remainder of the period to write and edit in the computer lab.

All poems submitted must be typed.

No lates are accepted for Thursday poems. If you are absent, email them to me.

Be sure to pick up the grad transition forms from the career centre. Pick up your parking pass application. Join a club or team or grad council. Be sure to get onto the scholarship email list with Ms. Loukes if you cannot attend the meetings. There is a lot of money to be given to grads but you must apply. Try not to leave these applications to the last minute.

English 10: Creating a thematic statement

In the story, "The Lamp At Noon," by Sinclair Ross, unless people are pushed to their limits, they will rely on hope instead of facts to deny their problems; living so inadvertently equals ridiculous suffering. (YOUR THEMATIC STATEMENT MUST INCLUDE IDEAS FROM ALL PARTS OF YOUR TICK CHART IN ORDER TO NOT IMPOSE AN INCORRECT INTERPRETATION ON THE STORY. YOUR INTERPRETATION MUST BE FULLY SUPPORTED BY EVENTS, DESCRIPTIONS, AND CHARACTERS IN THE STORY).

Creating a TICK chart to fully examine the story in order to create a strong statement which is easily supported by evidence from the text.

Tonight: Review all of your notes on the TICK. Make sure you know what to do for each letter of the acronym TICK.

This lesson will be repeated. You will be tested on your ability to read between the lines and beyond the lines so using the TICK method really helps to keep you focused.

USSR min. # of pages read so far is 75. I will be checking tomorrow.

Friday, September 26, 2014

English 11: How to interpret a passage of literature . . . .

For Monday, finish reading chapter one. It is quite long so you will need a good half hour for this task. Complete the how-to-interpret literature sheet.

You did a fantastic job reviewing the vocabulary, and beating your reading goals today. Well done. If you are reading this blog, make it a habit as a way to review and you will increase your marks and interest in the course.

We added the words: avid and contrite to our list

Today we came up with a few steps to interpret a passage of literature:

The most important step is to read the passage a few times and take note of key words. Similar to what we did yesterday for para. one.


1. See if there is a literary technique in the passage as this technique will offer you a quick interpretation: irony, juxtaposition, pathetic fallacy, a change in diction (word-choice), a change in tone, a surprise response from a character

2. Look for repetitions of words

3. Make connections to other parts of the book (the weight of his clothes from page five is now the weight of the heat) How are they connected?

4. Look at what the characters are doing -- is this event a key one? How are they responding? Are all of the characters responding in the same manner?

We practised with the first quotation on the sheet:

page 9: juxtaposition In the beginning Ralph is happy. He takes off his clothes, dives into the lagoon, is glad there are no adults, imagines his father will find him etc

But Piggy's pronouncement that they could be stuck there forever changes Raalph.
It is a wake-up call and he asks for his clothes. The clothes represent security as they remind him of home, his dad, civilization, etc

Also, Golding makes the descriptions of the island more hostile. Ralph and Piggy react differently to the news.

If you have extra time this weekend, see if you can get 30 or more pages read of your USSR book.

Assignment is below:


Authors use literary techniques to add depth to their work. As you read chapter one look for and examine the following: juxtaposition, pathetic fallacy, symbols, reading between the lines, key images, interpreting characters' actions or speech,

Quote: ' We may stay here 'till we die' . . . ' Get my clothes,' muttered Ralph (9).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: ' That was what you meant . . .why you got the conch out of the water?'”(12).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: The boy who controlled them was dressed the same way though his cap badge was golden”(15).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: Then the creature stepped from mirage on to clear sand . . . not all shadow but mostly clothing” (15).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: “”I can't decide what to do straight off'” (20).
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Quote: Read page 25 from the big paragraph in the middle to the second last sentence on the page
Technique: ________________________________________________________________________
Significance: _______________________________________________________________________

Writing 12: Keep working on your author presentations . . .

I suspect we will have an author visit next Friday due to the mix-up today. Thanks for your patience. Luckily, you had a lot to do with your presentation preparations. I handed out all the due dates. If you forgot to write down your date, please aske me.

Monday, we will go over the criteria for the two poems which are due on Thursday and we have an assembly in the theatre for half the class.

Write this weekend. Read poetry. Start to create two poems to submit for feedback on Thursday.

Such a delight to meet you all.

English 10: Finish reading "The Lamp At Noon"

Today we introduced and discussed the literary term: motif. Thanks to Sean for his definition: an object repeated throughout the story to represent theme!

Finish reading the story. Place a post-it note on key images (the window, the clock, the cloth over the crib, the sun struggling to peek through the clouds) that represent a motif of distance/separation/loneliness/fear. 

Bring pencil crayons or markers for Monday as we will be creating an illustrated found poem to reveal the remarkable imagery in this story. 

There are questions at the end of the story. Read them to help you be prepared to discuss the story during class. 

If you finish your USSR book this weekend, ask me for a response form.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

English 11: Theme

We did two new words today: officious and ebullience.
We added / reviewed three new literary terms: plot, theme, juxtaposition and pathetic fallacy. Make sure you know all five words/terms and can define them in your own words.

We noted key words that were creating mood in chapter one: scar, snake, witch-like, the weight of his clothes, skull-like coconuts,

We made a chart for Ralph and one for Piggy, defining their characteristics

We left off on page 9: " ' We may stay here until we die' " (Golding 9).

We need to read at least 15 pages per day during class. If you are not keeping up, you need to read even more pages at home. Tonight, ensure that you are at least to page 45 in your book. 15 from last night, 30 pages from the last two days.

If the book is not holding your interest by page 45, you probably need a new book.

Go to the library and ask Ms. Wadsworth for recommendations or see me at lunch tomorrow for assistance.

Have a great night!

Writing 12: Thursday's Review

We worked on the creation of "fresh" or "personal" ways of expression our ideas.
We are bombarded with other people's words: on advertisements, bulletin boards, TV and the radio, from the mouths of our peers, bosses, family, politicians.

To write, you have to fight off these influences.

But how?

By looking at things. Seeing what is there.

By reading poetry. Listen to music without words.

Watch films with the sound off.

Fill your mind with images.

Do exericises -- the ________ sky The spaghetti western sky, the Cinderella sky, The Doritos sky, The Aunt Mabel Told-You-So sky etc to push you into new combinations of words.

Today: We each took an abstract noun: War, Love, Loneliness, Sorrow, Cruelty etc and we drew it and then we wrote a poem about our drawing.

Any style is possible: prose poem, list poem, narrative poem,

Add: An epigraph, a noun as an adjective, cut useless adjectives, rhyme inside and between lines instead of at the end

Title: Use your abstraction 

Tomorrow we have poet and novelist, Laisha Rosnau

Here is a bio: Laisha Rosnau

Monday, Your response is due. Imitate the Larissa Horlor sample.

English 10: Review today's lesson

Homework: Read 15 to 30 pages from your USSR book or finish the book if you can't put it down and you can find a new one tomorrow!

Today: We did our first two words: demise and redemption. Can you use each one clearly in a sentence? Practice tonight.

We learned all the names:
Do you know Tanya, Elijah, Jasmine, Emma, Eunice, Josh, Jarrod, Julie, Jaylam, Nikki, Sean, Carmen, Maggie, Isaiah, Ella, Kait, Jaedyn, Gurman, Anna, Henry, Matt, Athena, Guilia, (Julia) Michaela, Jacob, Molly, Mamie, Shane, Syler, and Sammie?

We defined and re-defined THEME. Can you define it?

We brainstormed the significance of the title of Sinclair Ross's story, "The Lamp at Noon". Who is Sinclair Ross? What is he famous for?

We read the first paragraph. We chose one word to represent the significance of that paragraph. We defined PATHETIC FALLACY.

Tomorrow: Be prepared to be asked questions on all of the above.

English 11: Wed. Sept. 24th

If you were absent today, please pick up a copy of the novel, Lord of the Flies, in the Learning Commons and bring a favourite book to read during our USSR time. We started with the vocabulary words, gesticulate and clamber, yesterday, and I handed out Vocab. notebooks so you can pick one up from me.

Assessment for USSR in English 11

  • Read widely (fiction, poetry, non-fiction, drama, biography, How-to, fantasy, science fiction, politics, religious, philosophy) ETC
  • Read daily 15 pages a day will earn you an extra book a month
  • Read 30 pages a day and you will earn two books
  • Read 45 pages a day and you will read three or more books per month
  • Longer books 600 pages or more will equal two books
  • After each book, complete a Response form: What Did You Think About the book? Did it open your eyes? Bore you? Surprise you? Why? Be specific and use examples from the text. 
  • I will collect the forms at the end of each month. 
  • Participation is a big part of the mark so attendance is crucial. Arriving on time is key. Settling into your book as soon as class begins and reading steadily are a big part of the mark. 

There was an enormous study reported in the Globe and Mail regarding what makes people successful. The largest and most consistent factor is a person's ability to read. 

Read to Succeed is our motto this year. 

I find starting a book the biggest challenge to reading but once I have read the first 50 to 100 pages, I am hooked. Force yourself to get started and read quickly at first until the settings, characters, and style become familiar. 

Choose books that keep your attention. Ideally,  choose books that you cannot wait to get back to. 

I also handed out the course outline today. Ask me for a copy if you have been absent or if you have just recently joined the class. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What are you reading?

Take the Rory Gilmore challenge! Haven't watched The Gilmore Girls? You are in for a treat:

How many of these books have you read?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Welcome to English 10 . . .

Welcome to my blog. I will be sure to record key events from class and homework / assignment / suggestions for learning here. 


Today we spoke about reading great books, definitions of democracy, some of the books we will be reading. I handed out the course outline. 

For Wed: Bring a pen, a three-ringed binder, a book to read (or borrow one from our library), post-it notes, a curious attitude for learning. 


How Do I Learn Best?

To ascertain the kind of learner you may be, you may wish complete the short quiz at the link below:
Learning Style Survey

Once you complete the survey, press okay and the site will tally your scores and describe your style. Read the qualities to see if they match your own perceptions of the best ways to succeed at school.