Wednesday, May 9, 2012

AP Lit

We only had three people in class; however, I believe what we worked on is worth repeating here.

The best way to prepare for the open-reponse essay.
One: Prepare Hamlet and 1 to 2 other works that you enjoyed this year.

1: Predict all the possible questions they are likely to ask about these works. That way you are already planting seeds in the unconscious mind to leap onto the brainstorming page tomorrow once you actually see the question.

2. Choose three key passages from each work to annotate today. Not the obvious scenes but KEY scenes.
Annotate, annotate, annotate. As you do so make connections to the overall themes of the work and more scenes will arise to connect with your notes.

Once you feel you really know the scene well, memorize quotations.

3. Go back and read your notes. Make sure you know all the characters' names, the settings, the period in which the work was written, and the key stylistic aspects of the piece.

You will feel completely prepared by focusing on key passages rather than the entire play or novel.

During the exam:

1. Read the question. Cover up and ignore their list of suggested books as most of them you will not have read and it will waste time.
2. Work the question--make a chart out of all the key items you are being asked to discuss so that you respond to all the aspects of the question. THINK OF SYNONYMS FOR THE KEY WORDS AS YOU WILL BE REPEATING PARTS OF THE QUESTION THROUGHOUT YOUR ESSAY.
3. Choose your work 3 to 5 minutes--do you have three key scenes to discuss? If not, choose another work.
4. Spend 10 to 15 minutes preparing. Do a gigantice what/so what chart so that your evidence and inferences are clear--you want to focus on your style as you write rather than on what you plan to say so PLAN.
5. Spend 20 minutes writing the essay.
6. Spend 3 minutes proofreading. Check for the pesky apostrophes. No contractions in formal writing. Check that the verbs are accurate and dynamic and in present tense of the verb. Check that you have included the author and the title and that the title is underlined. No "" for novel or play titles.

Once you feel really prepared for this section. Practice multiple choice questions.

Finally: sleep well. Hydrate well today. Drink a lot of water today as water is brain food.
Eat an adequate breakfast which includes some protein.

Bring pencils and blue or black pens.
Dress in layers.
Bring water.
Be rested.
Get up early so that you are actually awake by 8:05.
Do a little exercising, stretching before arriving at the gym.

You are prepared. Show them what you know.
English exams are creative. You are adding to our understanding and appreication of great art in the world. Good for you. I'm proud of what you have accomplished.