Friday, January 25, 2013

English 11E : Course options for next year

English 11 -  Writing 12 / English 12 AP Literature and Composition (12 credits - one semester) (for those English 11 or English 11 E students who want to focus on modern stories, plays, essays and novels and who wish to write the AP exam in May. This course is offered second semester only as all students need Literature 12 as a pre-requisite).

                   English 12: similar to English 11 except there is a provincial exam worth 40%.
                     Communications 12: similar to Comm 11 except there is a provincial exam.

Grade 12 English Electives:

                Writing 11 /  12 (creative writing course similar to an art class where you read modern poems and stories and learn to write your own. You create a portfolio of work to demonstrate your knowledge. No tests or exams. For the experienced or inexperienced writer).  
                 Literature 12 : a survey course of the British greats: from dragons and heroic quests to Chaucer, Shakespeare, the Puritans, the Romantics to the moderns and post-moderns (for those who love studying the historical background and for those curious to know where the English language began and how it flourished)
                Journalism 10, 11, 12 : This group creates our school yearbook. You learn to take great photographs, and programs for desktop publishing such as In design, marketable skills. Great for students who are looking for a creative time to their day and who wish to take a leadership role to create a lasting memento for the school.