Friday, October 17, 2014

English 11: Quotation Log is due Tuesday: 100 marks . . .

 Homework: Choose a topic that interests you and your essay will be engaging. We brainstormed a number of topics together on the board today such as the duality of man, the impact of war, the role of Simon or Piggy, the descent into savagery, abuse of power, loss of innocence, etc


 Find at least 6 quotations on your topic and write your 75 to 100 word response for each one. Cite the quotation properly with page number and ensure that your response adds insight to your topic. Don't simply put the quotation into your own words, please. Instead, interpret the words, look for techniques such as irony, imagery, pathetic fallacy, personification, metaphor, symbol etc so that you can point out the significance of each quotation.

Why is the ending ironic?
  • rescued by the fire whose purpose was to trap and eventually kill Ralph
  • the fire destroys their food source--completely insane now -- choosing killing over feeding ourselves similar to destroying farms, cutting off food supply in
  • sent away to be protected from war and end up creating their own
  • resuce by the naval officer in his uniform looking at his trim cruiser (there is a war on and he is paid to participate in it)
  • ironic that he criticizes the boys for doing what he does for a living 

Theme of the novel

How do we deal with our dual nature? Our bestial selves as  Golding suggests?

At the end of the novel, it is the first time that Ralph cries. He never questioned society before. He liked the idea of having an island to themselves. He thought it would be fun. Piggy pushes him to be chief.

Why is the novel called Lord of the Flies? Who is the lord? Who are the flies?

You will have part of Monday's class to work on the quotation log. It is due on Tuesday.