Recitations in-class presentations: Wed. Oct. 19 period 3. No lates accepted so be prepared. Set dates on your calendar for choosing, practicing, memorizing.
Dave Morris Can. Slam Poet presents: Friday Oct. 14th at lunch in the Copeland Theatre. He is also offering a seminar to help us with recitations in period 4. You will need permission from your per. 4 teacher to attend. Oct. 14th is day 6. The seminar is also in the theatre.
Short Story Presentations: I hope you have delegated well!! Do not spend more than one hour preparing. Remember, we are learning to synthesize on the spot in AP Lit and to make connections and to live with ambiguity. All good skills for life.
We start on Thurs. All groups must be prepared. Some stories will require more time than others. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes. If you have sites, power points, notes etc, you may email me and I can forward them to the class. If you need me to photocopy anything, get me the materials well before Thurs. Thanks.
Read that annotation handout from Harvard. It's particularly helpful for the kinds of questions you will be asked on our AP exam.
I'm really looking forward to your presentations.
Read over Jonty's composition example as it has many of the attributes of an A paper that we are working toward. Well done, Jonty.