Thanks to all the students who created wonderful paper bags or boxes or envelopes filled to the brim with exotic scents, words, photos and items. It kept you all busy on those poems!! We also shared the poems you wrote in the language lab last day 9.
This week we are writing about a first time. If you were away today, find a friend or me to get the handout. I want you to include narrative elements in your poem--action, conflict, setting, epiphany but still focussing on the craft of the poem--description that surprises/delights, metaphors and similes that seem exact, sound devices (alliteration, assonance, dissonance, etc)
Literary Events this weekend:
Friday night 7:30 at the Moka House on Hillside near Shelbourne. Get there early if you wish to read one of your poems at the Open Mic. $3.00 cover plus by something to support Moka House if you can.
Saturday night at 7 at The Well (cafe on Fort St. near Blanshard, on the same side of the street as Starbucks, a few doors down away from town) is 100, 000 poets for change. Come take part in this international event. 95 cities involved--google it and see why it's important. No charge but buy a drink or a cookie to support the cafe.
Enjoy reading the poetry handouts and the sample first time poems. Bring a copy of your first time poem to read to a partner.
Have a lovely weekend.